Why is my Beagle always hungry
Why Do Beagles Eat So Much? Greedy or Hungry?
If youve ever watched a Beagle devour its meal, you may have found yourself asking, why does my beagle eat so much, why are beagles so greedy and is there something wrong with my beagle? This seemingly insatiable appetite is common amongst Beagles, but what drives this behavior? In this article, we discuss why beagles eat so much, explore the reasons behind their apparent greed and provide practical tips to ensure they stay healthy and dont become obese.
Why Do Beagles Eat Everything?
The beagle dog breed has a keen sense of smell and were originally bred as hunting dogs and used in large packs to track game and other small animal and wildlife. The only food a beagle likely got on a hunt was the food they scavenged themselves and the odd bit of food scraps thrown away from the human members of the hunt. Each beagle would compete against each other for food, so eating quick and as much as possible was high on the agenda for each dog.
If it looked like food, theyd eat it. Even to this day, Beagles will eat anything and everything; its just part of their instinct to eat whatever they can, whenever they can.
The modern beagle breed still displays the scavenger and opportunists instincts of its hunting ancestors. When I got my first beagle, i wasnt prepared for these traits, so learning to recognize, understand and manage these behaviors was a steep learning curve for me.
Why Are Beagles Always Hungry?
So while a beagle is a natural scavenger and a beagles instincts is to eat as much as it can when it can, doesnt fully explain why your beagle appears to always be hungry.
There could be other reason as at to why your beagle is always hungry, these include;
- Medical conditions can cause an increase in appetite leading to issues like obesity.
- Behavioral reasons include learning to beg when you are eating knowing you will give them a treat.
- Food related reasons include giving your dog a poor quality diet, for example feeding them a dry kibble with poor quality ingredients.
Medical conditions
Medical conditions can have an effect on your beagles appetite, so its best to rule these out before presuming the over-eating is behavioral in nature.
Some of the medical conditions that can cause an increase in appetite include;
- Diabetes
- Cushings Syndrome (Hyperadrenocorticism)
- Malabsorption Conditions
If you think your beagle has an increase, or decrease in appetite book an appointment with a qualified veterinarian so they can check out your dog for any potential health problems.
Obesity in Beagles
As already discussed, beagles are notorious for their love of food and their insatiable appetites. Unfortunately, this voracious appetite often leads to a high level of obesity in the beagle breed.
Health implications of overeating and weight gain
Overeating and weight gain in beagles can lead to a plethora of health problems. Obese beagles are at a higher risk for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and respiratory issues.
Excess weight puts strain on their joints and organs, impacting their overall quality of life. It is essential to address obesity in beagles to ensure they have a long and healthy life.
Prevention and management strategies for weight control
Preventing and managing weight control in beagles requires a combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise, starting from an early age as a puppy.
First and foremost, beagles should be fed a balanced diet that is appropriate for their breed and size. Portion control is key, as feeding too much can easily lead to weight gain.
In addition to a proper diet, regular exercise is essential for beagles. Daily walks, interactive playtime, and mental stimulation can help burn off excess calories and keep them from becoming sedentary.
Owners should also be mindful of using food as a reward or source of comfort. Instead, try using non-food rewards and providing plenty of love and attention or use low calorie treats such as vegetables.
Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to obesity in beagles. By being proactive and mindful of their diet and exercise, we can help our dogs live healthier lives.
Beagles and Food Nothing is Safe
From the moment i bought my first beagle (Bracken) home I realised I had to change some of my habits around the house in regards to food. I had to look at our home differently, through the eyes of a beagle so to speak.
Our house had become my beagles hunting ground. We had to Beagle proof everything, ensure food was out of reach at all times, cupboard doors closed and locked, and no food was left unattended.
Guests, adults, and kids alike would be asked not to leave food anywhere a Beagle could be.
We had to take this over-cautious approach even when outside with our dog. We were always scanning and assessing the surroundings to make sure our beloved beagle wasnt able to get into trouble.
We had trained Bracken to be off the leash; she had a good recall (for a Beagle). However, she often sniffed out food. She wouldnt hesitate to help herself to a family picnic, her recall training conveniently forgotten. She once stole a childs ice cream right out of his hand!
Some beagles are know to eat feces. While eating feces is gross and a terrible habit for any dog, its not as uncommon as you may think amongst dogs. The terms for poo eating is Coprophagia, and you can learn more about why beagles eat poop and how to stop it. Dogs eating feces can causue them issues with diarrhea, sometimes leading to vomiting and or infection.
Good Quality Food Will Help Keep your Beagle Full For Longer
Feeding your Beagle with a varied and healthy diet is crucial. Too often, people feed their dogs poor-quality canned food or cheap kibble biscuit.
Cheap wet dog food doesnt always contain the nutrients your dog needs, and poor quality dry biscuit can contain bulking agents.
Feeding a dog with quality food can increase the cost of ownership of a beagle, but thats a commitment we make when we decide to get a dog. You owe it to your beagle to provide him with a varied diet that gives it all the nutrients they need.
We recommend a fully raw food diet. If raw food seems inconvenient (its not), a high-quality kibble (biscuit) can be used and fed at two intervals per day.
We gave our first Beagle quality dry kibble from the start. We followed the exact guidelines from the manufacturer for the correct amounts for her ideal weight. She kept a stable weight, her coat looked shiny, and all seemed well.
Over time we started to hear much more about a raw dog diet. We researched, listened to others, and eventually took the decision, putting Bracken and our other Beagle, Baylee, on a 100% raw food diet. When changing a dogs diet, it is always better to gradually make the change over a few weeks so as not to cause any issues. I wont go into why raw is best here as thats a broad topic by itself, but needless to say, we wish we had done it earlier; our dogs thrived on it!
How Much Should a Beagle Eat a Day
By feeding your Beagle with good quality food and the correct quantity, you can be sure to keep your Beagle at a healthy weight. Feeding twice daily may help your dog feel less hungry as they are less likely to have an empty stomach for long.
Ready-prepared raw foods, such as Nutriment Raw or quality kibble, will guide you on how much food to give your Beagle based on your dogs ideal weight.
If you are buying fresh raw food items from a butcher or online, finding the best quantities is a little trial and error.
As a starting point, feed your Beagle about 2-3% of his ideal adult weight; if your dog is active, feed him a little more if hes a couch slouch, then a little less.
The best way to check if you feed the right amount is to run your hands over your beagles ribs. If you can feel but not see them, they are at a good weight.
Beagles come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the breeder, some Beagles are naturally smaller than others, and ideal weights vary accordingly.
Beagle height range | The ideal weight range for an adult Beagle |
13 and under | 22 30 Pounds (9.97 to 13.60 kg) |
13 to 15 | 25 to 35 pounds (11.33 to 15.87 kg) |
Strategies to Slow Down Your Beagles Eating Pace
Beagles eat fast, so its best to try and slow down how quickly they eat. Eating slower will cause them to chew food and be kinder to a beagles digestion system.
There are different ways to slow down how quickly your Beagle eats. Rather than a regular round bowl, you could use a dish like the one below. This kind of design means that your dog cant just take the food in one mouthful. He has to dig food from around raised sections of the bowl, which slows down how quickly they can eat their food.
Another way is to feed them by hand. By feeding by hand, you control the rate of the food and how quickly they get to eat their meal. Just remember to clean your hands after hand feeding as a dogs saliva contains all kinds of germs.
You could also use mealtime as a chance for obedience training or any other training. Work on things such as leave and recall and use their food as a reward. Break the food down into smaller parcels; this turns a 20-second fast feast into a few minutes worth of valuable training for your Beagle.
If feeding by hand suits you, then great, but for most, its inconvenient and messy, but it can be fun and rewarding!
Why Are Beagles Always Hungry? [Causes & Things To Do]
All dogs love food. However, Beagles seem to adore food a lot more than regular canines. These dogs have a penchant for gobbling up everything in their bowls and they simply dont know when to stop.
If youre a first-time beagle owner, its not unusual to wonder if your canines voracious appetite is a cause for concern.
But just why do beagles seem to have a deep love affair for food? Are they greedy? Arent they getting enough food? Do they have high metabolism? Or is the behavior indicative of intestinal worms?
Surprisingly, all these are possible reasons why any dog would overeat. But when it comes to beagles, the reasons for overeating mainly come down to their unusual food digestion as well as powerful hunting cum scavenging instincts.
If youve recently been wondering why do beagles eat so fast, this article is for you. Read on for a definitive guide to why beagles never seem to stop eating.
Natural Reasons Why Beagles Are Always Hungry
If youre a first-time beagle owner and have recently started paying attention to your dogs eating habits, you may have noticed what appears to be an unusual appetite. This may get you asking, why is my beagle always hungry?
So, why do beagles eat so much?
Slow digestion is the primary natural reason why beagles seem to be perpetually hungry.Beagles are unable to regulate their appetite as efficiently as other canines. Thats due to their slow and rather unusual digestion.
Note that digestion in most dogs (and even humans) begins right from the mouth where enzymes in saliva start to break down the food as its chewed. This escalates the digestion process, ensuring that the feelings of satiation occur shortly after consuming moderate food portions.
But for beagles, the process wont begin until the food hits their stomachs. As such, it takes considerably longer for the sensations of fullness to set in for a beagle. And until those feelings take effect, the dog will continuously gobble up his food.
Theres no standard duration it takes for a beagle to feel satiated. But some animal experts theorize that the dogs may take up to three days for the feelings of fullness to set in. You can only imagine what would happen if a beagle ate continuously for three days.
Here are other natural reasons why beagles are always famished;
1. Hunting Instincts
Beagles were bred primarily for hunting hare. Hare hunting is technically known as beagling, which pretty much explains the breeds name.
Most hunting dogs have a reputation for being opportunistic feeders, and the beagle is no exception.
But why do hunting dogs always crave for food?
A high food drive is one of the core behavioral attributes in all hunting dogs. The logic is simple the animals must be hungry enough to remain focused on tracking down their prey.
The fact that beagles were particularly bred as pack hunters made them opportunistic eaters. Thats because there was always competition for food among dogs in large packs. The dog would eat as much as he could after every successful hunt as he knew it could probably take days to nail the next meal.
2. Scavenging Instincts
Beagles are not only skilled hunters. These dogs are master scavengers too.
Beagles are known to rummage through trash cans for any food leftovers. Thats regardless of whether the dog is well-fed or not.
Scavenging instincts may help improve a dogs hunting skills. But it can also increase the animals food drive.
3. Scoffing
Scoffing, also known as food bolting, is a phenomenon when an animal eats his food too quickly, usually without much chewing. The behavior generally occurs when the animal fears that their food source may be taken away from them.
Many dog breeds are susceptible to scoffing. But to beagles, the habit is more like their second nature.
Scoffing is more common in beagles that were born as part of a large litter where competition for their mothers milk was intense.
4. Curiosity
Beagles are naturally curious. Again, this has a lot to do with their powerful hunting instincts.
A beagle is always happy to check out new things in his surroundings. And one way the dog explores his environment is by tasting objects.
To most beagles, anything that can fit in the mouth is potentially edible. The dog will try to swallow the object or at least break it down before spitting it out.
Medical Reasons Why Beagles Are Always Hungry
The above-listed natural reasons for insatiable appetite are almost unique to beagles. However, the following medical reasons can affect any dog breed;
1. Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites will most certainly make a dog hungry all the time. These parasites consume much of the food a dog eats, leaving the animal malnourished and perpetually famished.
Common symptoms that your beagle could be battling intestinal parasites include;
- High food drive
- Rapid, unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
- Nausea and vomiting
- Scraggly coat
- Frequent shedding
2. Compulsive Eating Disorders
Like humans, dogs can suffer from various eating disorders. Some of these diseases can cause a dog to undereat while others may have the animal consuming more than his fair share of food.
Pica is probably the most common eating disorder in dogs. The condition is characterized by the compulsive consumption of non-edible objects, such as dirt, rocks, metals, plastics, grass, hair, paint, and even poop.
A dog suffering from pica will definitely want to gobble up more food than he should.
2. Metabolic Disorders
Any disease causing high food metabolism will most certainly increase your beagles food drive.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder that may interfere with a beagles food digestion. The condition results from an inability to secrete the hormone insulin or utilize this hormone efficiently. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is involved in blood sugar regulation.
Type 2 diabetes can produce a wide spectrum of symptoms. Two of those symptoms include increased food and water drive.
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4. Malabsorption Conditions
Malabsorption conditions refer to diseases that inhibit a beagles ability to absorb and utilize nutrients in the food that he eats. One such condition is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), which causes loose stools, rapid weight loss, and increased hunger. The disease may also cause nausea, vomiting, and greasiness to the coat.
Besides EPI, malabsorption may also result from bacterial overgrowth in your beagles small intestine (ileum). In addition to increased hunger, bacterial overgrowth may also cause vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, gassiness, and loud gurgling sounds coming out of the stomach.
5. Stress and Boredom
Stress, anxiety, and boredom may cause a beagle to resort to unbecoming behaviors, such as overeating.
Beagles that are left alone for long and without sufficient provisions to keep them stimulated can develop a severe anxiety disorder known as separation anxiety.
Other symptoms of separation anxiety besides overeating include;
- Nervousness on the part of the beagle when his owner is about to leave the house
- Overexcitement when the dogs owner returns home from a long absence
- Undereating
- Bad potty habits, such as going on the floor
- Destructive chewing or digging
- Nuisance vocalizations, such as barking, howling or growling
6. Endocrine Disorders
Last but not least, certain hormonal disorders may interfere with your beagles eating habits, causing the animal to eat a lot.
Examples include;
- Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings disease) Excess production of the stress hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands.
- Hyperthyroidism Excess production of the thyroid by the thyroid glands, causing rapid weight loss and increased hunger as some of its core symptoms.
So, why do beagles act like they are starving?
As weve just highlighted, there are numerous natural and medical reasons behind your beagles high food drive.
The next things to consider are the risks involved and how you can help mediate this behavior.
Dangers of Overeating in Beagles
One of the frequently asked questions about beagles is do beagles tend to overeat?
The answer is a resounding yes, and weve already explored the various reasons why. Your next concern should be what could possibly go wrong if your beagle overate.
Below are the top inherent dangers of overeating in beagles;
1. Obesity
Any dog that eats more than his fair share will eventually become obese. Obesity is a severe lifestyle disease that can open up your beagle to other medical problems, such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease.
2. Vomiting
The fact that a beagle takes longer to feel satiated doesnt necessarily mean his stomach will handle the excess amounts of food. The dog may end up vomiting the excess food.
3. Choking and Intestinal Blockage
Choking risks in beagles mainly result from scoffing. Remember that these dogs do not take their time chewing food. Therefore, they could easily swallow larger chunks than their small throats can accommodate, leading to asphyxiation.
Swallowing large food chunks might also result in intestinal blockage, a severe medical problem that may necessitate surgery.
Worse yet, beagles suffering from pica might swallow sharp objects. These objects could end up tearing through the animals digestive tract, causing severe internal hemorrhage.
4. Death
Having highlighted some of the adverse effects of overeating in beagles, you may now be wondering, will a Beagle eat itself to death?
Unfortunately, beagles can easily eat themselves to death due to their insatiable appetite.
5. High Maintenance Costs
There are also economic implications associated with overeating in beagles. Even if the dog doesnt suffer any medical complications from overeating, his voracious appetite may strain your finances.
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How to Stop My Beagle from Eating Everything
Its not unusual to come across a beagle owner wondering, my beagle is always hungry, what can I do to address the dogs high food drive?
The most important tip for dealing with overeating in beagles is to understand the root cause of the problem. The solutions you adopt should be able to address the underlying triggers.
Below are some ways to curb your beagles high food drive;
1. Do Not Reward the Behavior
What did you do the first time you realized your beagle was overeating? Did you add more kibble to his bowl?If yes, then you may have inadvertently encouraged the behavior.
Whatever you do, never reward a beagle for overeating. Do not yell at the dog either, as doing so only reinforces the bad behavior.
2. Baby-Proof Your House
Baby-proofing your house is all about restricting the areas where the dog can venture into. Pay particular attention to the kitchen and dining area for obvious reasons.
Also, do not forget to clear the dining table immediately after having a meal.
3. Ignore The Dogs Begging
Beagles will happily rummage through trash cans for food leftovers even after having a large meal. And if theres nothing in there to scavenge, the dogs will come begging for more food from you.
Do not give in to these antics. Ignore the dog completely, provided that youre convinced he has had his fill.
4. Say NO
You can deter your beagle from chewing on objects by saying the NO or STOP command. Just be sure the dog already associates these words with a warning to stop.
However, do not shout at the dog. Instead, say the words in a soft but assertive tone.
5. Practice Portion Control
Controlling the food portions your beagle consumes may also go a long way in addressing the problem of overeating. But perhaps the big question here is how much should a beagle eat?
You can calculate the food portions enough for your beagle based on the animals age and body weight. Beagles generally weigh between 25 and 30 pounds. The recommended calorie intake for dogs with a similar weight range is between 650 and 900. Obviously, you can adjust this recommendation based on your beagles size and activity levels.
6. Feed Small Portions Multiple Times a Day
Its not enough to avoid free feeding. You should also consider feeding your beagle smaller food portions multiple times a day as opposed to larger quantities once or twice a day. This makes it almost impossible for the dog to overeat.
But just how many times a day should beagles eat?
Consider feeding your beagle 4 to 5 times a day provided that the portions are incredibly low.In the same breath, avoid giving your beagle too many treats. Restrict treats to 10% of their daily calorie intake.
7. Have Fixed Meal Times
Dogs are habitual creatures. These animals instinctively know when its mealtime and naptime.
You can leverage these natural instincts to feed your beagle at specified times during the day. This will prevent the dog from begging for food outside his usual feeding hours.
8. Invest In Puzzle Feeders
Puzzle feeders slow down the eating and digestion process. These products discourage scoffing, which makes them excellent for beagles.
Besides, a slow-feeding bowl can keep your beagles brain engaged. This could further help avert stress, anxiety, and boredom.
9. Invest In High-Quality Food Too
Dogs should eat a balanced diet at all times, and the beagle is no exception. Not only does high-quality food prevents malnutrition. It may also help address the problem of overeating.
The conventional wisdom is to buy quality dog food from established brands. Avoid products containing cheap filler ingredients like corn bran, potato by-products, corn gluten, and oatmeal.
Also, insist on fiber- and protein-rich diets. The two nutrients are famous for their remarkable filling effects and can help keep your beagle satiated for much longer.
10. Visit the Vet
Numerous medical conditions may cause a beagle to overeat. The only way to address these problems is by whisking the dog to the vet.
Thorough diagnostic procedures will uncover the underlying health reasons your beagle is eating more than he should. Thereafter, the vet will recommend a raft of treatment measures to combat overeating.
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So, Why Are Beagles Always Hungry?
There are numerous factors behind the beagles voracious appetite. Fortunately, there are equally many ways to prevent this unbecoming habit from taking a toll on the dogs health.
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