Are overweight dogs lazy
Dog Obesity: Why Its Important To Manage Your Dogs Weight
Plump puppies may be cute, but when it comes to canine health, lean is better.
Still, as is true with humans, too many dogs are overweight, according to the Association For Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). In its eighth annual survey of the girth of American pets, released in March 2015, the organization found that 53 percent of the nations dogs are overweight.
International research suggests that this is a global problem, with surveys from various parts of the world showing that the incidence of canine obesity around 40 percent or more.Most investigators say that this health issue gets worse each year. Another part of the APOP survey showed that in 2014, 17.6 percent of dogs were clinically obese (30 percent or more overweight). That was up a full point from just one year before.
Courtesy of APOP
Even worse, 95 percent of owners dont realize that their plump dogs need to drop a few pounds. The APOP calls this a fat pet gap, in which a chubby dog is identified as normal.
Dr. Ernie Ward, veterinarian and founder of APOP says, Pet owners think their obese dog or cat is a normal weight, making confronting obesity difficult. No one wants to think their pet is overweight, and overcoming denial is our first battle.
Health Problems Caused By Dog Obesity
There are many diseases and conditions that come along with extra pounds. These include:
How to Tell If Your Dog Is Obese
The rules range for people, but for pets, figuring out whether your dog is overweight or obese is a matter of both appearance and touch. You should, for example, be able to feel your dogs ribs when you press her sides. Several dog-food manufacturers have canine body-condition charts that can help you determine if your dog needs to drop a few pounds. Heres an example:
What to Do If Your Dog Needs a Diet?
As with humans, there are a few tried-and-true methods for slimming down. First, you should check with your vet to make sure that the excess weight is not the result of an underlying health problem or disease. Also, before you changefood or reduce calories, youll want to get your dog a checkup and talk to your vet about the best options. After taking these steps, check out these helpful tips:
Measure Meals:Keeping a diary is one of the most important steps in any human weight-loss program. Since dogs cant write, youll have to do it for him. Keep track of how much kibble you are feeding by using a measuring cup.
Establish a Schedule:If you free-feed, leaving food down all day, offer meals on a set schedule. Put the food down for a certain time, perhaps 15 minutes, and take up any food that the dog does not eat.
Limit Between-Meal Snacks:Dogs get a lot of calories in addition to their regular kibble. These can include anything from training treats to a biscuit slipped over the fence by a friendly neighbor. Those calories add up. Find out where the extras are coming from and manage how many extra goodies the dog is getting.
Choose Low-Calorie Treats:Many store-bought treats, especially biscuits, can be fattening. The same goes for chews. Some dogs will be just as happy with fruits or vegetables, like bananas, carrots, green beans, and apple slices, for example.
Certain chews, such as the popular bully sticks, are higher in calories than most people believe. A recent study from Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University examined the nutrients found in 26 different kinds of bully sticks. Each inch contained between 9 and 26 calories. While calorie information isnt currently required on pet treats or most pet foods, these findings reinforce that veterinarians and pet owners need to be aware of pet treats like these bully sticks as a source of calories in a dogs diet, Lisa M. Freeman, DVM, Ph.D., DACVN, professor of nutrition at TCSVM, said in a news release describing the study results. Several companies have developed low-calorie commercial treats. When you try any new treat, offer just a small portion to make sure it agrees with your dogs digestion.
Get Moving! This may be the best thing you can do to help your heavy hound. Before starting any exercise regime, have your dog checked by your veterinarian to make sure it is an appropriate and reasonable activity. Start slow and work up as directed by your vet to prevent possible injury.There are so many activities you and your dog can do together that its impossible to mention them all. Here are some of the best to start a weight-reducing program:
- Swimming is low-impact and can build muscles and burn calories without hurting joints.
- Walking, also low-impact, has the added benefit of getting both of you out of the house and into the fresh air.
- Fetch is fun, and its quick sprints will do a lot to raise fitness levels.
How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Shape Or Overweight
If your pooch is looking a bit more pudgy than usual, its actually quite common. The battle of the bulge isnt just something people face so do pets. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention,55.8 percent of dogs in the United Statesare overweight or obese. And that extra weight can cause a lot ofhealth issues for your dog, includingcanine diabetes, heart problems, and painful arthritis.
Wondering how to tell if your dog is fat or overweight and needs to lose a few pounds? Read on to examine the signs you can look for to determine whether or not your dog is fat and how you can get your pup into shape to stay healthy and happy for years to come.
Check Your Dogs Body Shape
One of the simplest ways todetermine if your dog is fatis to look at the body shape. Looking at your dog from above, if you notice that the pup looks rather rotund and oval-shaped, its likely that your dog is fat. If, on the other hand, you notice that your dog has a defined waist toward the rear and a straight build down the sides, then theyre probably at a healthy weight.
Feel for Your Dogs Ribs
The feel and prominence of your dogs ribs are a major indicator of weight issues, says Dr. Sara Ochoa, DVM, a veterinary advisor forDogLaband practitioner atWhitehouse Veterinary Animal Hospitalin Whitehouse, Texas. If your dogs ribs arent extremely prominent and you can easily feel them without having to press hard, then the dog is fit, she says. For overweight dogs, its very difficult to feel their ribs because there is too much fat in the way.
Look at Your Dog From the Side
Asagging waistor swinging stomach is another tell-tale sign of a fat dog. When viewing your dog from the side, look for a waist that is slightly raised rather than simply hanging down and oval-shaped. A dogs abdomen should not be the same level as the chest and should be tucked up, says Dr. Ochoa.
Check Your Dog for Fat Pads
Excess fat on your dogs body is also a major indicator of being overweight. Some animals will have fat sacks between their legs that will waddle when they walk, says Dr. Ochoa. She also recommends inspecting your dogs hips during petting sessions. Overweight dogs will have fat pads on the top of their hips.
Examine Your Dogs Behavior
Overweight and obese dogs are typically inactive and spend a lot of time scarfing down their food. If you notice that your dog has become a couch potato, has trouble walking, exhibits trouble breathing when walking, and generally appears to have trouble moving about, they might be fat. Also, if youfree-choice feed your dogthroughout the day, this can encourage obesity.
Weigh Your Dog
The best way to tell if your dog is overweight or obese is with a weigh-in at your veterinarian. Your vet can then tell you whether your dog is overweight according to yourdogs size and breed. Remember that a healthy weight will look different for every breed. For example, most sighthounds should have visible ribs.
They will also examine your dogs body and compare it to abody condition score chart, which ranks a dogs body type by shape. Typically, scores range from one to nine, with one being very underweight and nine being extremely overweight. The target body condition usually lies in between, around four to five.
Consider the Health Effects of Being Overweight
While having a portly pup may seem adorable, those extra pounds can pack quite the punch when it comes todogs developing obesity-related health issues. Overweight dogs can develop a number of serious health conditions, including:
- Diabetes.
- Skin problems.
- Heart problems.
- Joint problems.
- Kidney disease.
- Canine arthritis.
- Certain cancers.
- Liver problems.
- Mobility issues.
- Breathing problems.
- High blood pressure.
Carrying extra weight is especially hard onbreeds like dachshundsbecause they can develop back problems andchubby brachycephalic dog breedsmay experience trouble breathing. Large dog breeds may even developcanine orthopedic issues, especially when theyre still growing, if they become overweight.
Canine obesity-related health issuescan cause long-term problems for dogs and can shave years off your pups life. Fortunately, by losing weight, your pooch can avoid or even reverse many of these conditions.
Develop a Dog Weight Loss Plan
If your veterinarian determines that your dog is overweight, youll have to start a weight-loss plan. The two things to target are reducing calorie intake and increasing the amount of time youexercise your dog.
Encourage yourdog to exerciseby going on 10 to 15 minute walks each day to start, recommends Dr. Ochoa. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend walking your dog per day and the briskness of the walks toup to 2 hours total each day, depending on your dogs breed and age, according to the Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals. Most importantly, make the walks fun by praising your dog for being active and rewarding your pup with lots of attention. You can also sign your pooch up for acanine agility class as part of an exercise routine.
If agility isnt the right fit for your dog, there are many other AKC Sports that can provide fun and exercise for you and your pup.
With the help of your veterinarian, develop a calorie and portion-control weight loss plan for your dog. Just decreasing the amount of food your dog eats per day by about 10 percent will help your pet lose weight, says Dr. Ochoa. Your vet can also recommend a high-fiber, lower-calorie food for your pup that will keep them feeling fuller for longer.
Once you know just how much to feed your dog each day, divide your pups meals into a morning and evening portion. This way, your dog wont become hungry later in the day.
Most importantly, keep treats to a minimum, says Dr. Ochoa. Treats and cookies have added calories. By decreasing the amount of treats given or totally eliminating them from their diet will help your dog lose weight, she recommends. You can also supplement your dogs diet with healthy, low-calorie snacks like steamed or rawvegetables that are safe for dogslike celery, carrots, green beans, broccoli, and cucumbers.
Why Is My Dog So Fat And Lazy
[ad_1]If youve noticed that your dog has been packing on the pounds and seems to be more lethargic than usual, you may be wondering why your furry friend is so fat and lazy. Just like humans, dogs can also struggle with weight gain and lack of energy for a variety of reasons. In this article, we will explore some of the common trends and concerns related to why your dog may be overweight and lazy, as well as provide some expert insights on how to help your pet get back on track.
1. Lack of exercise: One of the most common reasons why dogs become overweight and lazy is due to a lack of exercise. Just like humans, dogs need regular physical activity to maintain a healthy weight and stay active. If your dog is not getting enough exercise, they may start to pack on the pounds and become more lethargic.
2. Poor diet: Another trend that can contribute to a dogs weight gain and laziness is a poor diet. If your dog is consuming too many calories or eating a diet high in fat and carbohydrates, they may struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Its important to feed your dog a balanced diet that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level.
3. Medical conditions: Some dogs may become overweight and lazy due to underlying medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, Cushings disease, or arthritis. These conditions can affect a dogs metabolism, energy levels, and ability to exercise, leading to weight gain and lethargy. If you suspect that your dog may have a medical condition, its important to consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
4. Age: As dogs get older, they may naturally start to slow down and become less active. This can lead to weight gain and laziness, especially if their diet and exercise routine are not adjusted accordingly. Its important to monitor your senior dogs weight and activity levels and make any necessary changes to keep them healthy and active.
5. Overfeeding: Some pet owners may unintentionally overfeed their dogs, leading to weight gain and laziness. Its important to follow feeding guidelines provided by your veterinarian and monitor your dogs body condition to ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight. Overfeeding can also contribute to other health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.
6. Genetics: Just like humans, some dogs may be genetically predisposed to obesity and laziness. Certain breeds are more prone to weight gain and may require closer monitoring of their diet and exercise routine. If you have a breed that is known to struggle with weight issues, its important to take proactive steps to keep your dog healthy and active.
7. Environment: The environment in which your dog lives can also play a role in their weight and activity levels. If your dog is primarily indoors and does not have access to outdoor space for exercise, they may be more likely to become overweight and lazy. Its important to provide opportunities for your dog to be active and engage in physical activities to help them maintain a healthy weight and stay active.
Concerns and Answers:
1. My dog is always begging for food, should I give in to their demands? Its important to resist the urge to give in to your dogs begging for food, as overfeeding can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Stick to a regular feeding schedule and provide appropriate portion sizes to help your dog maintain a healthy weight.
2. How can I help my lazy dog get more exercise? There are many ways to help your dog get more exercise, such as taking them for daily walks, playing fetch, or enrolling them in obedience classes. Find activities that your dog enjoys and make them a regular part of their routine to help them stay active.
3. Is it safe to put my overweight dog on a diet? Its important to consult with your veterinarian before putting your overweight dog on a diet, as they may have specific dietary needs or health conditions that need to be taken into consideration. Your veterinarian can help you create a safe and effective weight loss plan for your dog.
4. My dog has been gaining weight despite eating less, what could be causing this? If your dog is gaining weight despite eating less, its important to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to their weight gain. Your veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and recommend appropriate treatment options.
5. What are some signs that my dog may be overweight? Some common signs that your dog may be overweight include difficulty breathing, reluctance to exercise, and a visibly larger body size. Its important to monitor your dogs weight and body condition regularly to ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight.
6. Can my dogs weight affect their overall health and lifespan? Yes, being overweight can have a negative impact on your dogs overall health and lifespan. Dogs that are overweight are at a higher risk for developing diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and other health issues. Its important to help your dog maintain a healthy weight to ensure they live a long and healthy life.
7. How can I prevent my dog from becoming overweight in the future? To prevent your dog from becoming overweight in the future, its important to provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and appropriate portion sizes. Monitor your dogs weight and body condition regularly and make any necessary adjustments to their diet and exercise routine to keep them healthy and active.
8. My dog is always sleeping and seems lethargic, should I be concerned? If your dog is always sleeping and seems lethargic, its important to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing their lack of energy. Your veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and recommend appropriate treatment options to help your dog feel more energetic.
9. How can I motivate my lazy dog to be more active? There are many ways to motivate your lazy dog to be more active, such as using treats as rewards for positive behavior, engaging in interactive playtime, or enrolling them in agility or obedience classes. Find activities that your dog enjoys and make them a regular part of their routine to help them stay active.
10. Are there any supplements that can help my overweight dog lose weight? There are some supplements available that may help support weight loss in dogs, such as omega-3 fatty acids, green tea extract, and L-carnitine. However, its important to consult with your veterinarian before starting any supplements to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog.
11. My dog seems to be gaining weight rapidly, what should I do? If your dog is gaining weight rapidly, its important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of their weight gain. Your veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and recommend appropriate treatment options to help your dog maintain a healthy weight.
12. Can stress and anxiety contribute to weight gain in dogs? Yes, stress and anxiety can contribute to weight gain in dogs, just as they can in humans. If your dog is experiencing stress or anxiety, its important to address the underlying causes and provide them with a safe and comfortable environment to help them feel more relaxed and at ease.
13. How can I monitor my dogs weight and body condition at home? You can monitor your dogs weight and body condition at home by regularly weighing them on a scale, visually inspecting their body for signs of weight gain or loss, and feeling their ribs and waistline for any changes. If you notice any concerning changes, its important to consult with your veterinarian for further evaluation.
14. Is it normal for my dog to gain weight as they age? Its not uncommon for dogs to gain weight as they age, as their metabolism may slow down and their activity levels may decrease. However, its important to monitor your senior dogs weight and body condition and make any necessary adjustments to their diet and exercise routine to help them stay healthy and active.
15. What are some ways to help my overweight dog lose weight safely? To help your overweight dog lose weight safely, its important to consult with your veterinarian to create a tailored weight loss plan that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and appropriate portion sizes. Your veterinarian can provide guidance and support to help your dog reach a healthy weight.
In conclusion, if youve noticed that your dog is overweight and lazy, there may be a variety of factors at play, such as lack of exercise, poor diet, medical conditions, age, overfeeding, genetics, and environment. Its important to address these issues proactively and work with your veterinarian to create a plan to help your dog achieve and maintain a healthy weight. By providing your dog with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and appropriate portion sizes, you can help them live a long and healthy life. Remember, its never too late to make positive changes for your pets health and well-being.[ad_2]